
  1. from_recap
  2. to_recap
  3. Examples
    1. Recap to Avro
    2. Avro to Recap
  4. Type Conversion
    1. From Recap to Avro
    2. From Avro to Recap
  5. Aliases
  6. Namespaces
  7. Limitations and Constraints

Recap uses the AvroConverter class to convert between Recap types and Avro types. AvroConverter has two methods: from_recap and to_recap.


def from_recap(self, recap_schema: RecapType) -> dict:

Converts a Recap type to an Avro schema. The method takes a RecapType object as an argument and returns an Avro schema in dictionary form.


def to_recap(
    avro_schema_str: str,
    namespace: str | None = None,
) -> StructType:

Converts an Avro schema to a Recap schema. The method takes an Avro schema (in the form of a JSON string) and an optional namespace string as arguments, and returns a RecapType object.


Recap to Avro

from recap.converters.avro import AvroConverter
from recap.types import StructType, StringType, IntType

# Define a Recap schema
recap_schema = StructType(fields=[
    IntType(name="age", bits=32),

# Convert to Avro schema
avro_schema = AvroConverter().from_recap(recap_schema)

Avro to Recap

from recap.converters.avro import AvroConverter

# Define an Avro schema
avro_schema = """
    "type": "record",
    "fields": [
            "name": "name",
            "type": "string"
            "name": "age",
            "type": "int"

# Convert to Recap schema
recap_schema = AvroConverter().to_recap(avro_schema)

Type Conversion

From Recap to Avro

Recap Type Avro Type
NullType null
BoolType boolean
IntType (bits <= 32, signed=False or bits <= 64, signed=True) int, long
FloatType (bits=32) float
FloatType (bits=64) double
BytesType (bytes <= 9_223_372_036_854_775_807) bytes, fixed
StringType (bytes <= 9_223_372_036_854_775_807) string
StructType record
EnumType enum
ListType array
MapType map
UnionType union
ProxyType Named types (fixed, record, enum)

From Avro to Recap

Avro Type Recap Type
null NullType
boolean BoolType
int IntType (bits=32, signed=True)
long IntType (bits=64, signed=True)
float FloatType (bits=32)
double FloatType (bits=64)
bytes BytesType (bytes <= 9_223_372_036_854_775_807)
fixed (size <= 9_223_372_036_854_775_807) BytesType (bytes=size)
string StringType (bytes <= 9_223_372_036_854_775_807)
record StructType
enum EnumType
array ListType
map MapType
union UnionType
Named types (fixed, record, enum) ProxyType


In the from_recap method, Recap aliases are transformed into Avro aliases entries. The process works as follows:

  1. If the alias in the Recap type does not contain a dot (i.e., it’s a built-in type), it’s resolved to the corresponding Avro type. For instance, “int32” is converted to “int”, “decimal256” to a “bytes” type with a logicalType of “decimal”, and so forth.
  2. If the alias in the Recap type contains a dot (indicating a fully-qualified, non-built-in type), it’s used as a direct reference in the Avro schema.

Here’s an example:

from recap.types import IntType
from recap.converters.avro import AvroConverter

avro_converter = AvroConverter()
recap_schema = IntType(bits=32, alias="myNamespace.myAlias")
avro_schema = avro_converter.from_recap(recap_schema)

print(avro_schema)  # Output: {'type': 'int', 'aliases': ['myNamespace.myAlias']}


The to_recap method provides the ability to handle Avro namespaces when converting Avro schemas to Recap schemas.

The namespace is incorporated into the alias of the Recap schema in the format “namespace.name”, ensuring the uniqueness of each schema, especially in the context of complex or nested schemas.

Namespace resolution order is as follows:

  1. Use namespace field in Avro schema, if available.
  2. Use dotted name (foo.bar.Baz) in Avro schema, if available.
  3. Use namespace argument in to_recap method call, if available.
  4. Use default namespace _root.

Here’s an example:

from recap.converters.avro import AvroConverter

avro_schema_str = '{"type": "record", "name": "exampleNS.myRecord", "fields": []}'
recap_schema = AvroConverter().to_recap(avro_schema_str)
print(recap_schema.alias)  # Output: "exampleNS.myRecord"

Limitations and Constraints

The Recap type system is more expressive than the Avro type system. Consequently, there are some Recap types which cannot be represented in Avro, or which are represented less precisely. For instance, IntType with bits > 64 cannot be represented in Avro, as Avro only supports 32-bit signed ints and 64-bit signed longs.

The conversion functions raise a ValueError exception if the conversion is not possible.